Definitive Guidelines: Mini Trampoline Benefits

Definitive Guidelines: Mini Trampoline Benefits

May 22, 2022


Frank Chen

What are the mini trampoline benefits? well, we can not name them in just one sentence. Workout on a mini trampoline is not just good for your health and wellbeing, but also improves your fitness. Indoor trampoline exercise could be the most effective way to work out at home. Its portability and foldability can get you ready and drive you energetic in just a few minutes, and this convenience can extremely motivate you in a sparkling way for indoor exercises.

Mini trampoline health benefits

According to a study from NASA, exercise on a trampoline can be more effective than normal sports, such as running.

Your body will need to mobilize all of your core muscles when moving on an unstable trampoline surface, especially the abdominal muscles. Therefore, long-term persistence to trampoline exercise can help to promote metabolism, improve fat oxidation, prevent and reduce symptoms such as obesity

Trampoline exercise is good aerobic cardio, which can promote blood circulation, enhance the blood's oxygen-carrying capacity, thereby improving your immunity and reducing the chance of getting a cold and fever.

It burns calories and fat to achieve the effect of weight loss. It also stretches the muscles of the whole body to help increase muscle mass and tighten your body. In the process of trampoline exercise, you will experience the feeling of flying, which can relieve you from fatigue and stress. A happy mood will decompose a lot of happiness hormones, which have the effect of suppressing appetite and burning fat.

Mini trampoline work benefits

You may find out that we tend to set a high standard when doing sports outside, especially the weather. We can not exercise in the rain. We meet many restrictions that stop us from exercising sometimes, and we are tired of this.

So if you ask why would we choose to use a mini trampoline? the answer is rather simple: we can work out any time under any circumstances! we are free from most of the common limitations with it!

The benefits can be huge and various, but we are only presenting the most focused and highlighted ones here by most people:

For weight loss

Mini trampoline is good for weight loss, so if you have set up a goal in mind, trampolining can help you achieve more in a much easier way. With only a few minutes, your breath and heart rate will be elevated with sweat profoundly emerging.

At the high point of the bouncing, every cell is in a state of weightlessness for an instant; at the bottom of the bouncing, every cell is receiving up to 24 times the normal gravity in your body. This reaction force strengthens your cells. So from the outside, your skin will become smooth and firm, thus looking younger.

This is a sharp and intense workout, but it pays back with immense exhilaration and self-satisfaction.

For calories burning

Compared with ordinary sports such as jogging, trampoline is a platform that burns more of your calories as a fitness method.

As reported by a scientist report, jogging costs you around 600 calories per hour, and running costs roughly 800 calories per hour. However, workout on a trampoline can grant you more with less to do: it will burn at least fifty percent more calories for jogging or running on it.

For blood circulation

A large-scale trampoline jumping exercise can promote the circulation of blood, lymph and various body fluids throughout your body, further achieving the effects of preventing and reducing diseases, such as reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, preventing kidney stones, enhancing heart and lung function, and balancing blood pressure, etc.

For physical therapy

Activities on a trampoline can greatly strengthen your body in many ways: boost your energy and promote resistance to fatigue, help dealing with stress and anxiety, build up self-confidence and improve self-image, etc.

Bounce can regularly help to maintain your body, and the outcome is soon appearing once you start.

Mini trampoline workout for beginners

After viewing the above benefits, you might have a thought of buying a mini trampoline. For sure, there is a wide range of suitable exercises for trampolines. But if you are new to trampoline and haven't tried even once before, we suggest you buy one with a handle, so you can try more actions with the help of it. For beginners, we do not recommend any type of difficult moves in the first place, since it will deeply weaken your enthusiasm if you fail to do them. We really suggest you can start with the below easy but helpful workout firstly.

  • Jump

Exercise on a trampoline means less impact will be absorbed than performing on the hard floor. It's kinda like a warm-up for the following workout.

To begin, step into the rebounder. Make your feet stand as wide as your shoulder. Start bouncing and jump your feet out, swing your arms to meet at the top. After that, bounce back and bring your arms back. Pay attention to mobilizing your core engaged.

  • Twist

Your whole body is involved and motivated when doing twists on a mini trampoline or a outdoor trampoline. Your core and body will be fully mobilized by the twist.

To begin, step into the rebounder. Stand with your legs close. Bounce with your legs to the left and your upper body to the right, then your legs to the right and your upper body to the left.

  • Squat

Squat on a trampoline can be far more effective than on a hard floor, since your whole body is engaged in keeping stability.

To begin, step into the rebounder. Stand with your feet as wide as hip. Hold tight of your stomach muscles. Bend your keens for a bit to make it in a vertical line with your toes. Keep your upper body firm and straight.  Slowly make a squat position with your hands on your hip, then stand back up.

Hope to hear more from you:

We are completely aware that the benefits and instruction may not be enough, so we need you to tell us more about them.

Or if you have any questions about the benefits, instructions or mini trampoline itself, you are welcome to leave comments.

Or if you find our instructions are quite difficult to perform and you have an easier way, please do not hesitate to leave your comments, so all of us can be clear about it.

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